Interesting articles on Machine Learning

An (incomplete) list of articles on Machine Learning that I read, mainly used as a reference I can access when I’m not at home

On Deep Learning

Deep Learning is the current revolution ongoing in the field of machine learning. Everything from self-driving cars, speech recognition and playing Go can be accomplished using Deep Learning. There is a lot of research going on in HEP, howto take advantage of Deep Learning in our analysis.

Gradient Descent Optimization

Reinforcement Learning

Recurrent Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks

Adversarial Examples

Adversarial Networks

Hyper Parameter Optimization

All multivariate methods have hyper-parameters, so some parameters which influence the performance of the algorithm and have to be set by the user. It is common to automatically optimize these hyper-parmaeters using different optimization algorithms. There are four different approaches: grid-search, random-search, gradient, bayesian

On Boosted Decision Trees

Boosted decision trees are the working horse of classification / regression in HEP. They have a good out-of-the-box performance, are reasonable fast, and robust

On Data Analysis Techniques

With sPlot you can train a classifier directly on data, other similar methods are: side-band substration and training data vs mc, both are described in the second paper below

On Machine Learning Tools and Frameworks

FastBDT Thomas Keck. „FastBDT: A Speed-Optimized Multivariate Classification Algorithm for the Belle II Experiment“.

TMVA Andreas Hoecker et al. „TMVA: Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis“.

FANN S. Nissen. Implementation of a Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (fann).

SKLearn F. Pedregosa et al. „Scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python“.


XGBoost Tianqi Chen and Carlos Guestrin. „XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System“.

Tensorflow Martin Abadi et al. „TensorFlow: A system for large-scale machine learning“

Theano Rami Al-Rfou et al. „Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions“

NeuroBayes M. Feindt and U. Kerzel. „The NeuroBayes neural network package“

On Hardware
